Ну а теперь расскажу, что произошло за тот период, пока я не писал. Уже вроде больше месяца прошло. Веду дневник так же неаккуратно, как всегда, но теперь то хоть будет что писать в рубрики, которые я задал еще с создания – php,mysql,linux,html css. Так же думаю надо добавить javascript и всякие плюшки типа API Yandex и jQuery, т.к. я это все использую и уже имею кое-какой опыт.

Где использую? :)

Читать далее

Последние дни на меня накатило.. А может наоборот откатило, и стало пусто? Чувствую себя одиноко.
Все достало, все надоело, а вернее заебало и я матерюсь вслух об этом. Хочу нормальную работу, хочу вылезти из подвала, хочу чтобы живот прошел, хочу делать что-то интересное, хочу чтобы все не было через жопу.

Хочу.. чтобы не было мелочных дурацких ссор с девушкой. Хочу чтобы все было хорошо.

Иначе я чувствую себя несчастным, на душе погано и ни что не радует. Кажется надо что-то менять.. В голове ностальгия об Одессе, размышления о давнем прошлом и недавнем, все было не так и теперь все не так.

Так что я сейчас не могу заниматься работой совершенно, в плане сайтами.. самомотивация потерялась в 0.

Я обновил резюме на сайтах, открыл на них доступ.. сижу читаю Мураками и жду в меланхолии, что что-то изменится.

Download Resume

Oleg Abrazhaev

Phone: +7-983-2807874 Skype: seyferseed email: seyferseed@mail.ru

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seyfer/


  • A highly-skilled software developer with a 6 year proven track record in commercial and enterprise web software with strong back-end specialization.
  • Have experience in all phases of the software development life cycle.
  • Have English verbal skills, able to read/understand technical literature,

technical video-courses, can interview or have a meeting with a customer.


05/2015 — 01/2017 Panel100.com (advertising aggregation) /
Mjutools.com (advertising control tools)

Senior PHP Developer, Web development. Work remotely from home.

  • Developing projects with ZF2 + Doctrine2 (using services like cache, queues, and background jobs).
  • Use DDD methodology and Hexagonal architecture to design app architecture.
  • Use MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcached, Redis, Gearman, RabbitMQ
  • Work with Mercurial, deployment with Jenkins and Linux on a server.
  • Use vendors from Github. Use VCS Mercurial and Bitbucket.
  • Use Basecamp and Slack for collaboration with a team.

05/2012 – 05/2015 RAZLET.RU (Sale of air tickets company)

Started as Middle PHP Developer for 1 year.
Then Senior PHP Developer / Team Lead, Web development. Work in the office.

  • Worked with old ticket sale website and back-end system.
  • Developed new back-end system with Memcached, multi-threading and other technologies, using patterns, OOP, UML, and Kohana framework.
  • Worked in command with 5 developers using Git and Redmine.
  • Made refactoring with own and other developers code.
  • Worked with others company projects (on-line shop http://donbambino.ru/, now http://alfavit24.ru/, theater tickets shop, etc.) like a developer or like project manager (2-3 programmers subordinate).
  • Applied new technologies in working process: git, frameworks, Redmine.
  • Developed an interface to design scene for theater tickets, sale system project with help of clear JavaScript. For front-end jQuery was used.
  • Provided technical interviews for new employees.
  • Developed document system with ZF2, Doctrine2.
  • Developed API for some data for general usage inside the company with ZF2 and Apigility.
  • Participated in the development of internal accounting system balance with ZF2.
  • Supported existed projects, like bug fixes and implementing new functionality.
  • Worked with servers configuration, system administration tasks, optimization, scaling.
  • Did rewrite of a big project from Kohana to ZF2 with architecture improvements.

11/2011 – 05/2012 OOO RIGHTSIDE (MAXIMA Internet Service Provider)

PHP Developer. Web development (PHP, MySQL).

  • Working with company website based on Bitrix CMS.
  • Developed Web applications for monitoring debtors.
  • Developed a Web list for houses connected to the network.
  • Hosting management, server administration (Debian, web server, postfix, FTP, etc).

02/2011 – 11/2011 Device (Computer workshop)

Computer engineer.

  1. Computer repair, restoration, installation of operating systems, cleaning from viruses.
    Installing and configuring software and enterprise networks. Web development.


Not an official experience, different projects as self-employed and freelance:


  1. participated in TOM project development as a part-time back-end developer for travelata.ru. (ZF2, Doctrine 2, PostgreSQL, Redis, Rabbit MQ, Event bus, DDD, Port Adapter)
  2. developing two Telegram bots with back-end on php7 and ZF3 (in progress).
  3. vivalavoice.com is asmall site to present Vocal School business. Implemented with ZF2, Doctrine 2, bootstrap and jquery, MySQL.
  4. seyferseed.ru is a web blog, based on WordPress.
  5. div-portal.ru is a website for Divnogorsk city, currently not maintained.


Co-founder / Project manager / Team-lead


  1. Currently lead a team including 5 devs in a start-up. Use Skype for communication and Trello for tasks. It’s a e-commerce project which will be build with Java and Spring.
    Will have shares as a co-founder.


Technical skills:

Programming (general)

– OOP, Clear code, Refactoring, Design Patterns, DDD, Hexagonal architecture, Testing. Frameworks or native code.


– Have strong experience with frameworks like Kohana, Zend Framework 2 and Zend Framework 3.

– Can start in two weeks with almost any PHP framework, like Laravel, Symfony, Yii 2, CodeIgniter, etc.

– Can use PHPUnit for testing.


– View and Templates: JSP, JSTL, apache tiles, Thymeleaf

– Other: JNDI

– Spring Framework 4 + and it’s components

– Libraries: log4j, Jackson, JUnit

– Database: JPA hibernate,

– Server tomcat and spring-boot

– Experience with console apps, basic game development with awt and libGDX for Android.


– Experience with native vanilla code and libs like jQuery, Mootools, underscore.js.

– Basics of Angular.js and Node.js (socket.io, MongoDB, express.js), Knockout.

– Can start in two weeks with front-end or preferably server-side JS development.


– medium experience with HTML 5, CSS 3, bootstrap 3,

– some experience with LESS and SASS.

Databases (RDBMS & NoSQL):


– MySQL, Percona, MariaDB,
– Engines: MyISAM, InnoDB,

– optimization with MySQL tuner, percona-toolkit, sysbench, replication, MySQL-proxy.


– configuring, some experience in usage, know how to write big and complex queries using built-in functionality for CQRS.

– json, indexes, functions, upsert

– have experience in commercial usage


– configuring, some experience with Doctrine and other ODM.

Other languages basics:
(able to write some code, read and understand)

– Languages basics: C++, C#, ASP.NET, Python, Ruby, Bash, Assembler, Prolog

Tools, approaches and different experience:

– ORM: active record (some frameworks native ORMs) and data mapping (Doctrine2), ODM (libs like Mandango, Doctrine2).

– Technologies like XML, SOAP, JSON, AJAX, CURL, SNMP, Cache, Multi-threading (forks, libs), ORM, ODM, REST, RPC, Event bus, Queue, Search engines (Lucene, Sphinx).

– Worked as a webmaster with CMS InstantCMS, Joomla, LiveStreet. Write some code for WordPress, Bitrix.

– IDE: PhpStorm, WebStorm, NetBeans, IntelliJ Idea, Eclipse, VisualParadigm for UML.

– Version Control: Git (extensions, Github, Bitbucket), Mercurial.

– CI: Jenkins, Apigility with ZF, Composer (installers, packagist, Satis).

– Cache: APC, Memcached, Redis.

– Services: Gearman, Supervisor, RabbitMQ.

– Team collaborations: Redmine, Basecamp, Trello, Skype, Slack.

– Operating systems: Linux (Debian, Ubuntu): administration, shell scripts.

Windows (XP, 7, 8, 10) and Android – advanced user.

– System Administration: Hosting administration on Debian, Ubuntu with Apache2, Nginx, PHP-FPM, using bash scripts.

– Some experience with Docker and Vagrant.

– and also can install and configure all the tools and services required for deploy and work process.


2005 – 2010 I.I. Mechnikov National Odessa University, Ukraine

Bachelor and Specialist diploma in Computer science.

Specialist of computer systems and networks.

Russian is a native language, fluent.
Ukrainian is advanced.
English – reading, writing, listening, conversational (intermediate).


I’m always learn something new, read some technical books or watch video courses.
And read a lot of documentations and manuals for work.
You can see some list of completed courses and read books at by blog
(it’s written in Russian, so please use a translator):

Open source:

1. Contributed to framework modules (Kohana, ZF2). Maintain some of them.
2. Contributed to other PHP, JS and etc. libs and documentation.
3. I always report bugs, create issues for libs and software which I’m using to make them better.

On GitHub since 2012, Oleg Abrazhaev is a developer based in Krasnoyarsk with 49 public repositories.
Languages: PHP (60%), Java (21%), JavaScript (10%), HTML (7%)