Fibonacci Spiral

Once upon a time in the evening in one programmer chat, some programmers felt boring. And I don’t remember why, but we started to compare programming languages performance using the Fibonacci algorithm in its recursive implementation. Many times passed since it happened. Only artifacts such as source code left on my hard drive and that’s why I decided to create this post.

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I didn’t know how to name this problem, that’s why I named it as it’s written in the post title. This is a problem from another coding test on one of these coding challenge platforms. I still think that these platforms are just an automation of this weird “whiteboard coding” process. And it’s a pity that companies still believe that such tests could indicate really good programmers. Probably I would write a post with my thoughts on this topic later…

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2gis map

As a very active Android user, I use a lot of applications and a huge part of them are maps connected applications. Some of them help me find a way or some places, some are useful for finding information about companies, some give more information about transportation. Because currently, I’m living in Russia, I’m using Russian company’s apps such as 2gis and Yandex mobile map apps and in this article, I will compare them.

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